Why Donate

Every contribution makes a difference! Your donation directly funds care packages that provide essential items, treats, and heartfelt messages to our deployed troops. It’s a small way to express our gratitude for their sacrifice and dedication.


What’s in a Care Package

Personal hygiene items – Snacks and non-perishable treats – Letters of appreciation and encouragement – Entertainment (books, magazines, games) – Comfort items (socks, blankets)


How Your Donation Helps

Your support enables us to send care packages to deployed military personnel, boosting their morale and reminding them that their service is valued. Together, we can make a positive impact on their well-being during challenging times.


Donation Levels

$25: Sponsor a care package for one soldier – $50: Sponsor care packages for two soldiers – $100: Sponsor care packages for a whole unit – Custom: Choose your own amount to contribute


How to Donate

Visit our secure donation portal to make a contribution. Every dollar goes directly toward assembling and shipping care packages.


Progress Tracker

See the impact of your donations! We’ll regularly update our progress, sharing stories and photos from soldiers who have received your care packages.


Spread the Word

Help us reach our goal faster! Share our campaign on social media and encourage your friends and family to join the cause.